Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Tattoo and My Scar

Things in life have changed for me over the last six months. I went from someone of complete certainty in life to someone who hasn't a clue where to go next. I was going to be a music major at ASU in a year after getting my associates in Biology. But through all of this I have learned one thing. When I don't know who I am and who I am supposed to be I can always know one thing: I am and always will be a child of God and He will guide me through life which is uncertain. Many trials that we go through leave us unsure and doubtful as to their purpose. I have experienced many of those. The trial of the last six months has not been one of those trials. I know exactly why God did it.

I was living a 'Me-centered' life. I was looking out for Numero Uno. I did not have a servant's heart most of the time. God has put me through what I am going though so that I would relearn how to live a 'God-centered' life. Sometimes when we stray away from the path, God gives us a spiritual poke, if you will. And sometimes He knocks upside the head with 2x4. Ironically enough, I felt that knock upon the head in my head. The brain disease that I have now is a constant reminder of God's grace. And when I forget that I have a brain disease, I have a two inch scar indented in my head that I can feel every time I reach my hand up to scratch my head and when I wash my hair. God's mark upon me is clear. We don't always get to feel it, but I get to feel mine every day. While the road to a righteous 'God-centered' life is tough. We all should strive to walk down it, for a self-centered life is not a God-honoring life. If people are not noticing a difference in your life from theirs, you have become too swallowed up in the things of this world. I had become too swallowed up in the things of this world.

Now my life, though I don't know what I am yet to do with it, has purpose and meaning once more. Through the helpful words of a Christian brother, God spoke to my heart and turned me back to Him. I get down on my knees in the morning and pray that God would shine through me and whatever I do in that day will honor Him and shine His light to the world. I fall and fail but He picks me up again and again. His love is a tattoo upon my heart and scar upon my head. A tattoo and a scar I'm eternally thankful for. The Elephanty Business:
What I'm listening to: Sanctus Real- Pieces of a Real Heart
Currently Reading: The Bible-God
The Black Echo-Michael Connelly

Quote of the Day: "I have the tenacity of a Swiss Fox and the instincts of a dragonfly"- Shawn Spencer
What I'm Watching: Psych and Castle

Philosophical Thought of the Day: "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." -St. Augustine

 Best, Alex