Saturday, May 30, 2009

CO-JO: Non-Mobile Update Because I Figured Out the WI-FI!

So typing out "My Colorado Journey" as the title for every single entry seemed to bland and uncreative to me. Now I am going for the more creative approach by changing up the title a little bit every day in effort not to bore you, the reader, and to make myself feel more pleasantly creative.

It's about 9:00 local time...but I only use local time when I'm hungry so that I can make dinner one our earlier. And as you can tell, I forgot that I had a wireless button on my computer that I have to turn on in order for the WI-FI to work. As soon as I pushed the handy little button, voila! my wireless worked. Hence my blogging right now.

Today we started out the day by going to have a lovely little continental wasn't as impressive as I hoped, but still tasty. Then we headed up thousands of feet to bike down an insanely steep bike trail/road. Without saying too much about the trail itself, which with all it's varied aspens was beautiful, my little brother and I hit around 25-30mph on our that is an amazing feeling...and scary actually. After we biked, we got back to the hotel and walked to the tennis courts, which were clear on the other side of a lake...but so worth it. Tennis is awesome. So we played tennis awhile, I sucked but it was fun whackin a little neon ball around with mi familia. Now after dinner and a little jacuzzi and shower, I am sitting here typing a blog. Not I am going to play some Wolfenstein.

Currently Reading: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

Currently Listening: Slowhand- Eric Clapton

Philosophical Thought of the Day: A writer's way of speaking is putting words into pictures that their reader can see. A musician's way of speaking is putting notes into it's listener's ears so that they can see through everything around them and hear the message of the music.

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