Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Simple Answers

I've been through a ton of mental and physical trials this year that I can't even begin to explain. Of course, it's probably nothing compared to others, but it's the place that the Lord has me. Needless to say, God has graciously allowed to me to begin healing immensely over the last couple months. But this week I started to notice a relapse of a few things that I thought were gone for good. So I just asked my Mom if she noticed I was getting better. Here is a brief recreation of the dialogue.

Mom: "Yes I noticed you were getting a lot better. It's really great. But some of your old struggles are starting to creep back into your life."

Me: "Why do you think that is?"

Mom: "Because you are not spending time with the Lord."

That's it. That's all I needed to hear. She didn't sugar-coat it. She didn't beat around the bush. She just told me straight-up, no strings. So help someone else: When they ask you important questions like the one I asked my mother, give the inquirer a straight-up answer. Show your love by telling them the truth. And help yourself: when you ask a question, ask for a straight, blunt answer. You get to the core problem a lot faster that way. And just to think, I didn't need an hour long conversation to figure out why I was struggling. Just an honest answer.

Currently Reading: "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn

Currently Listening: Rocks into Rivers- Seabird

Philosophical Thought of the Day: Live honestly.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Doing Jazz Again

Saturday, June 27th: That was the last time I posted a blog?!? Cheese. Well, I really would love to start doing this jazz again. So....I am =). I don't know really how to get back into this, considering I just made the choice about 5 minutes ago. So I'm just going to stick with blabbering on for about a paragraph or so to get the hang of it and then post something that's not complete junk tomorrow. So here are the currents:

Currently Reading: The Divide by Nicholas Evans

Currently Listening: Battle Studies- John Mayer

Philosophical Thought of the Day: If we are so worried about who we want to be, we will most certainly stray far far from who we are supposed to be.

FBTI A.F. Skalberg